Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about This Blog

Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about the blogs, and the reunion blog:

Q: What's a blog?
A: A blog (short for "Web log") is a kind of interactive Web journal, with "posts" written by the blog owner, and a Comments function so visitors can participate in an online "conversation" about each post.

Q: What's the point of a blog for the reunion?
A: First, it's a great place to get updates from the planners, and share them with classmates who might not know about the reunion. As a big bonus, if enough people participate (by visiting regularly and posting comments), then an online "community" will form. Imagine submitting a comment asking if anyone knows where a "missing" classmate is, and having another Lowell grad - maybe someone you didn't know very well then, or haven't seen since - responding with his or her own comment, telling you where (city, state) your classmate now lives. Or think of the fun we could have sharing memories of music, events, teachers, sports, school dances and proms - anything, on campus or off, from "back in the day."

Q: Is the blog hard to use?
A: The reunion blog is extremely EASY to use! ANYONE can SEE anything on the blog without registering or signing in. You only have to register ONCE to submit a COMMENT. ALL INFO AND HOW-TO'S ARE ON THE BLOG, AND EASILY FOUND! Basic instructions are in the welcome message on the home page, including a link to "How to Register for This Blog."

Q: How is a blog organized?
A: The newest entry (or "post") is at the top of the page, with older posts below it; older posts are usually accessible through an archive. Because of this structure, the blog changes all the time, which keeps it fresh but also makes it harder to find what you just saw yesterday, or share it easily with a friend. But you can find any older posts easily, either through the Search function or the Archives, both of which can be found on the home page.

Q: What are comments?
A: A comment is simply a text box where you can type in your own message and post it to the blog, in response to a particular post. Blogs are usually set up so the blog's visitors can comment on any post - and that's how the Lowell Reunion blog is set up too. You've probably seen or participated in a blog without knowing it. Huffington Post is a very sophisticated blog; and most major newspapers' Web site have blogs led and written by reporters or columnists, which readers can comment on. In fact, any time you see "Post a comment" on a Web page, it's probably set up as a blog.

Q: Why do we have to register to submit a comment?
A: We limit participation to registered, signed-in users so we can screen out potential interlopers, who might post a nasty comment just for the thrill of it, even though the interloper knows nothing about Lowell High School or our reunion.

Still have questions? Sign in and submit a comment with your question, or email me at lowell40reunion[at] (substitute the @ sign), and I'll do my best to answer.


  1. Does anyone know if Dave Miller or Ken Carter or Nora Lee or Alan Dworkin or Larry Colton are coming?

  2. Al Dworkin is coming (thanks to Dan Toomey, who is also coming)! No word yet on the others. Does anyone know where Dave Miller is? Several people have asked about him.
