Saturday, October 24, 2009

S69 Class Speaker's Reunion Message

Again, in case you missed it, here is Russ Button's reunion speech on behalf of the Class of Spring '69 (love the emphasis on love!):

How many of you got up this morning like I did, looked in the bathroom mirror and asked, "What the heck happened?"

I was asked to speak tonight for the Class of 69 and I have to tell you I have no idea what the Class of 69 wants to say other than...

Sock it to me 69!!!

What I really want to talk about is why we are here tonight.

Tonight is about more than just seeing old friends and telling stories.

When we graduated from Lowell, we had been blessed with the finest education on the planet. High school is a time where we are beginning to explore who we are. But it was also a time when everywhere you looked someone was putting you down. And so you coped by building friendships and helping each other. For many those friendships endured and continue to endure.

Friendship is just another word for love, and love is why we are here tonight. It is the love we have for our friends and what we remember Lowell to be.

Love is what we bring to our job each time we do it well. Love is the reason we cook a great dinner. Love is why we make families. Love is why we donate to charity, why we get up every day and do whatever we can to make the world a better place.

We graduated from Lowell and went on to live life as well as we could. And we did so based upon the example set for us by our parents and teachers. They showed us what it was to be grown-ups. They gave us expectations. They gave us the ability to see a better future.

If you haven't got a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?!

And now it's our turn to be that same example for those who are now looking to make their mark in the world. It is up to us to set an example for them and the key to that is to spend your life loving as much as you can.

Love is the reason we are here tonight. Tonight everyone is a winner!

Sock it to me 69!

Thank you.

Russ Button

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